Into That Brave Night

Tyra 5 2401
 James stood, looking outwards into the ever thinning crowds. Tyra had been his second biggest failing. The Speech was over. it had been almost 30 years since that fateful event that left so many of his friends dead or wounded for life. 90 odd ships had been left behind, destroyed or clinging to life in the hopes of mercy at an unmerciful  enemy. A tear streaked his cheek. there was no fanfare, no shouting, just mournful faces, staring into the hearts of an old man who had once lead the Seventh Fleet. 

moving down from the podium, the gathering dispersing and wondering into their own dreams and thoughts among the gardens of remembrance. He could see all their faces, they flashed through his memory like rays of sunlight on an oil slick. a memory he recalled vividly at that moment. gliding over the cliffs of Dover, his engines running low, the Spitfire's Merlin's winding down. he had been so close to the ocean below, the cockpits hatch open wide, the wind gusting, his eyes stingi​ng, but yet the oil and the sun light reflecting; still remained a poignant moment for him. some 500 years ago. another place, another time another war. 

He was tired now, always more enemies to fight, always more good to triumph over evil, he father once said. And if anything like the last year was to go by. the Changelings had bought more memories back, more than people cared to admit.    
"Admiral" A voice called from the distance and returned James back to the present "Admiral, I'm glad I found you" "Hello, do I know you?" He studied the younger man, a face he was not familiar with. "Where you at Tyra?" as asked softly "No, No, a bit before my time Admiral" 

"I'm not an Admiral any more Commander, I'm out. you can call me Mr, Sir, James..." he was interrupted by the man mid sentence

  "That's quite alright Ad... Sir. I've been tasked to find you  by Admiral Bullock, he requests, nay asks that you meet him back on Earth. I'm sure you are aware of the issues we at Star Fleet face at the juncture in time?" he continued as he removed a pad from underneath his arm, it began to drizzle in the warm light of the sun, not a cloud in the sky 

"Command and well the entire fleet have suffered a catastrophic failure, our losses in the home fleet alone ran into the thousands, senior officers compromised and positions no longer tenderable, even after the return of the prisoners. Frankly, we need you Admiral" The pad moved swiftly and outwards 

"Look, I understand all that, but it really isn't my problem anymore, I've done enough, seen enough." James stepped backwards and went to walk in the opposite direction, a hand moved to stop him, pulled more firmly than expected.


  "Look I am sorry for your loss. It must be hard still to grieve with those here. But I really must insist. I'm not Bullock or McNamara, I have a higher clearance than they think. I've read your files Sir. and I thank you for your loyal and long... service. But I don't think that you would enjoy the quiet life should the wider populace be made aware of your unique situation, Humans don't like Aliens interfering with the natural flow of life. I wouldn't wont it let slip how your people used Earth and other worlds to further their own agendas or act autonomously throughout our great history, who knows where we might be now, without you."

"You SON OF!. Look Commander, you and I both know, we El-Aurians did nothing to alter the chain of events, though we saved your world on more than one occasion, at great personal loss. Now let go of me" 

"As you wish. But please do take the pad. The meeting is in two days. I'm sure your old friends would be pleased to see you" And with that, he smiled and turned away, he vanished in a shimmer of light. He owed them nothing, by what right did they have to impose on him once more.